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Writer's pictureMelissa


We have been following the rules to a "T" in the Edwards house about staying home and following proper guidelines for social distancing. My kids have been home for two weeks now, and while the first few days were rough (screaming, crying, and begging rough) we have begun to find our groove. We are adjusting. We are coping. We are scared but not panicking...until yesterday. Yesterday I ran out of the garlic we had stored from last year and had to use the stuff from the grocery store. Today, I am in full panic mode. I am teaching my kids how to make homemade marinara, bread, noodles, soups, stews, and sauces. OH HELL NO, what is this nonsense? We are spending so much time and effort to learn how to make delicious food and now I am putting sprouted, dried out, flavorless garlic in my food? Listen up friends who like to cook, do not, I repeat, DO NOT put sprouted garlic in your food. It will taste bitter, and throw the whole dish off. If you have to use garlic that has the green sprout in the middle, cut and peel it out with your fingers and toss it. You can use the rest of the garlic, but it will be much less flavorful than fresh garlic. Also, if you have garlic that has bruises or divots, cut those away as well. When you pick out garlic, make sure it is rock hard. Mushy garlic is flavorless and gross.

On a more pleasant note, I found a recipe for garlic wine that I am going to try this year. If it works out and doesn't taste like...well, garlic, I will share the recipe with you!

Do you have an activity you and your family are enjoying and would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Today we put tin foil over our skillet and melted crayons to make uplifting pictures to send to a assisted living facility. We are also learning to sew and make masks for our local fire department. Share your stories with us. We are separated by distance but not by our spirit and love. We at Bear-n-Wolf Gardens are here with all you on this journey and will beat this virus together. We have decided to donate all of the veggies we grow on the farm this year to the local food bank and seniors in need. United as an ambassador of our planet we are unstoppable.

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